Beauty and the Sleep.

*Sleep is extremely important to a beauty reigme and upon being sent this via email the other day I had to share it and share my own personal thoughts and favourite from the poster. 
The poster itself essentially shares tips and truths behind everything to do with going to sleep. The first section shares basic tips and truths that will ensure you and your body gets a good nights sleep ranging from ensuring you change your pillows and bed sheets on a regular basis to whether wearing a bra to bed is a good thing. 
The truth behind wearing a bra to bed was the one that surprised me the most; as long as the bra fits correctly it's perfectly fine to wear your bra to bed without causing any long-term problems. Still I can't see myself doing that, I walk through the door and that's it for my bra for the evening haha.
The second section is where it gets interesting with more tips and truths you may not neccessarily think of. Do you love lighting candles? Turns out they really do effect your body and can actually help decrease blood pressure and lower skin temperature. (Lights candle).
The other point I found interesting was the bed positioning. I've always preferred having mine in the center of the room whereas according to Feng Shui the best position is actually in a corner diagonally oppisite the door. Who knew?
Take a read below to read all of the tips.
What is your favourite tip? What do you think of the bed positioning in a diagonal position? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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